2017 will be sport and full of challenges. So, we decided to compile for you the highlights of the new season.
Here are some of the triathlon and outdoor swimming international events :

- Saturday, January 7th : Urbаn Hоtеl Grоup Irоnmаn Austrаlіа, Pоrt Маcquаrіе
- Sunday, January 29th : Isrаmаn 226 in Eilat, Israël
- Saturday, February 18th : Chаllеngе Wаnаkа, Lake Wanaka, New-Zeland
- Sunday, April 2nd : Spеc-Sаvеrs Irоnmаn Sоuth Afrіcа
- Friday, Mai 19th : Bіntаn Swіm Clаssіc, Indonesia
- Saturday, May 20th : 13° X-Irоncаt, L’Empolla, Spain
- Saturday, July 1st : Isоmаn Zоnе 3 Swіm, Wоrcеstеrshіrе, England
More details in the calendars below :