Invention of the wetsuit


In 1953 Beuchat invented the isothermal wetsuit.

Georges Beuchat creator of the company was an emblematic pioneer of underwater activities. He naturally tried to protect himself from the cold during diving. This is the way that after several experimentations, led in the creeks of Marseille, he invents in 1953 the isothermal wetsuit.

This fundamental invention has played a key role in the development of underwater activities. And sixty years later, its bases remain valid although materials and methods evolved.

Conscious of the importance of wetsuits in its DNA, the brand Beuchat is very demanding on theirs quality and technicality. So, it continues to conceive and to develop its wetsuits in Marseille within its department of R&D compound of designers, engineers and a patternmaker.

Beuchat is moreover at the origin of numerous evolutions which concern as used materials (neoprene ultra flexible in particular) or still the sophistication of pattern. The experience of the history conjugated to the will to continue to innovate to propose products always more comfortable and more successful make that Beuchat is always the brand reference in wetsuits.

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