Member of the Beuchat Team, Mathieu Ferreira has organized last January 21th an underwater spearfishing for the “Maison de Gardanne”. Several kilos of fish have been fished for the patient of the medical institution.
Beuchat: Mathieu, could you please tell us more about January 21st spearfishing operation?
Mathieu Ferreira: The idea has come 10 years ago when I lost my mother because of a generalized cancer. Before she died, she asked me to help the patients of the Maison de Gardanne offering them my catch to make them feel they eat fish as they would do at home with their families. Today, I have decided to do this operation with my friends.
Beuchat: How it happened?
Mathieu Ferreira: It has been six months that I am working on it. I had to deal with practical issues but also ethical ones that had to be respected. Firstly, I have talked about it on Facebook by posting the old video. It has been a real success. All my contacts called me. A lot of people that I didn’t know also contacted me to participate. Things have been accelerated during the two last weeks.
Beuchat: How many spear fishers have participated to the operation?
Mathieu Ferreira: 28 fishers have participated and I would like to thank them all. They have been all very motivated and have adopted an irreproachable state of mind. And we managed to catch enough fish for everybody, especially white fish (seasoned sailor, sea bream, porgy…)
Beuchat: Where did you all meet?
Mathieu Ferreira: We didn’t fix any particular spot. I didn’t want the operation to look like a competition. Each spear fisher has fished on its usual spot. We just wanted to keep our habits, excepted that this day the catch would be for the Maison de Gardanne. Then we all met at 1pm at the Estaque boat ramps for a friendly drink. Here again, I would like to thank the team for organizing this convivial moment. We were all together to weigh the fish and put the catch into the ice box before bringing it to the medical institution.
Beuchat: Did you bring the fish to la Maison de Gardanne by yourself?
Mathieu Ferreira: I went there actually, but I was with some spear fishers and volunteers. The moment when we gave them the catch was magical! You never eat a fish by yourself watching TV. You always eat it in family, it’s a convivial moment. I had asked patients to invite some members of their families to share this moment. Bringing them all together was magic!
Beuchat: Why did it take you 10 years between the two operations?
Mathieu Ferreira: I became a father, I moved. The ten years have flied but they allow me to grow up and be more mature. I needed to step back. But don’t worry, I will not take me ten more years before organizing the next one. Indeed, I am already preparing another operation for the end of 2017 or the beginning of 2018. The team will be reinforced to develop the scale of the operation!
Beuchat: This operation has already been successful with satisfying media impact. Is it a fair gratitude for you?
Mathieu Ferreira: I have been pointed out as an underwater spear fisher. We don’t have always a good image. But this operation gave us the opportunity to show the spirit of spearfishing. We select our catch, never small fishes. We have a real privileged relation with sea and ocean. We respect the environment in which we progress. We have proved that to the public and since the operation, spear fishers are thankful for it. It’s so touching! It proved that we are united, we are a real family. The spirit of spearfishing is solidarity, the will of sharing, friendship. I would like to highly thank all the spear fishers, the participants, volunteers who have realized a remarkable job. I was very touched by the involvement of everybody!